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The Bodymatters Motion Blog
1 min read
Improvement is often possible !
For those conditions that are reportedly permanent, improvement is often possible. This is a key fact to understand. A lot of people have...
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1 min read
Avoid exercises for the knee if it's painful....or not !
If the knee is painful, it must be because the hip and/or the ankle is the problem...correct ??? We do have in the health and fitness...
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1 min read
Reduced femoral internal rotation.
Reduced internal rotation and adduction of the femur is likely caused by anterior tilt of the pelvis on the same side. Inhibit hip flexor...
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1 min read
Treatment toolkit !
I have many different tools in my professional toolkit. As a result, I never have just ONE way of doing anything. I have an array of...
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1 min read
Injury Resilience for Everyone !
There are 26 bones in the foot, 206 bones in the body ( there are some arguments about these numbers so please accept these are...
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1 min read
Cracking or popping joints.
Patients frequently ask me what it means when their joints constantly pop. Frequent popping, called cavitation, is typically the joint...
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3 min read
Discs don't slip
You may have been told at some point that you had a slipped disc. This can feel legitimate. That said, discs don’t “slip” . They are...
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1 min read
Adductor drop test.
If you are right side dominant ie you put more weight through your right leg, this test will likely be positive. When it comes to tight...
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1 min read
Running on an empty tank !
When you are operating under heavy stress and burning the candle at both ends, your body is often able to rally. However, we do so...
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1 min read
Emotions !
Emotions can often play a significant role in core dysfunction. The body frequently alters breathing mechanics in compensation for...
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