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Injury Resilience for Everyone !


There are 26 bones in the foot, 206 bones in the body ( there are some arguments about these numbers so please accept these are generalised numbers).

640 muscles, 360 joints, 2,196 joint variations from all three planes of motion with Real and Relative motion in every joint.

Then we talk about transformational zones which I believe are chain reaction biomechanical movements that really affect the body all the way up.

The easiest one to talk about is the 'Subtalar joint' because if the talus doesn't move properly, there's no rotation of the tibia, there's not rotation in the femur, and the pelvis doesn't move appropriately.

Then you have issues in the Sacro Iliac joint, all the way up the spine into the cervical spine so you are going to have compensations.

In other words, nothing acts in isolation !!



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