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Pain doesn't tell you where the problem is !


Pain doesn't tell you where the problem is, it just tells you where you're paying for it!

The real problem areas of the body, the ones driving your symptoms, are often asymptomatic adhesions.

But how do we avoid them?

Adhesions, aside from the surgical variety, typically form as an adaptation to prolonged, excessive mechanical stresses such as tension, friction, and compression.

Inflammation can often lead to adhesion as well. These stresses lead to reduced circulation which leads to the laying down of additional tissue for reinforcement.

Whatever stresses may be involved, two things allow adhesions to form; limited motion and limited circulation.

If you keep an area moving regularly, that not only limits the ability of adhesions to develop, but also helps maintain circulation to the area. This won't do much for adhesions you already have, but it can prevent the ones you don't.

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